AGCW-NTC Friendship QSO party
The AGCW-NTC QSO party will be held twice a year on the third Tuesday in April and October. For 2024 this will be April 16 and October 15. Time: 18:00 UTC for 2 hours. Please call CQ QP!
Frequencies: 1.820 – 1.838 MHz, 3.540 – 3.560 MHz, 7.020 – 7.040 MHz and 14.040 – 14.060 MHz.
Exchange: If you are not member of either of the two clubs: RST/Name/NM. If you are member of AGCW or NTC: RST/Name/AGCWxxxx or RST/Name/NTCxxx. If you are member of AGCW and NTC: RST/Name/AGCWxxxx/NTCxxx.
Classes: 1 : Electronic keyers, 2 : Straight keys and 3 : Bugs & Cooties.
Scoring: Stations worked not a member of AGCW or NTC – 2 points, member of AGCW or NTC (one club) – 4 points, member of both AGCW and NTC – 8 points, club station of AGCW or NTC – 10 points. Club stations are DFØACW, DKØAG, DLØAGC, DFØAGC, DLØDA, PF6NTC, PG6NTC and PI4NTC.
You may work a station only once per band. Logs to be delivered in Cabrilio, Excel, doc, docx, odt or txt. No ADIF please. Latest 7 days after QSO party to the manager: Lothar – DL1DXL