The NTC QSO Party

The purpose of our QSO party is to stimulate activity and practice CW in and around The Netherlands. It is not a contest but a place and time to meet NTC members, other CW lovers, welcome newcomers and have a relaxed QSO. Any type of mechanical or electronic keying is allowed. Please try to keep your speed below 25 wpm to give everyone a chance to participate.

Please call CQ NTC to participate.

Date: every third Thursday of the month. Time: 19:00 to 20:00 UTC.

Dates for the QSO Party in 2024 are as follows : January 18, February 15, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21 and December 19.

Mode: CW


  • Electronic keying (e.g. paddles with an electronic keyer or computer)
  • Mechanical keying (bugs, straight keys or cooties/sideswipers)

When you submit your log tell us which category you want to use.

Frequencies: around 3.550-3.560, 7.030-7.040 and 14.050-14.060 kHz. No other bands!

Exchange: RST, name and NTC number. If you are not a member send NM (Non Member) for NTC number. Please send a realistic RST and not a standard 5nn. Exchange of other information is allowed and encouraged.


  • PF6NTC, PG6NTC, PI4NTC: 3 points
  • NTC members: 2 points
  • All others: 1 point.

You can work a station once per band. Any QSO you make during the hour will count for your score, also QSOs outside the party. There is a N1MM UDC file and Call History file for our QSO party available on the N1MM website.

Bonus stations: During the even months bonus points can be scored. Bonus point can be collected for each QSO you make with a station, once per band:

  • February: A QSO with a Dutch stations will count 1 extra point
  • April: A QSO with a German stations will count 1 extra point
  • June: QSO’s with non-members (NM) will count 5 extra points
  • August: If you make a QSO with QRP power it will count 5 extra points
  • October: DX QSO’s will count 5 extra points
  • December: Saint Nicholas holiday special, to be announced

Submit your log until Sunday after the QSO party to ntcqp@pi4ntc.nl. Preferred format is Cabrillo. A cabrillo template is available here. Results will be published on the NTC website and on the members-only NTC mailing list.

The NTCQP winners for 2022 are Adam SQ9S, NTC #038 and Luc ON7DQ, NTC #098

The NTCQP winner for 2021 is Rien PA7RA, NTC #001