January 2025 QSO Party

Results of the January 2025 NTC QSO Party


Callsign 80m 40m 20m Total Score
1 DL1DXL 34 0 0 34 65
2 PI4NTC 27 0 0 27 53
3 SF6W 26 0 0 26 52
4 OK2BVX 26 0 0 26 52
5 ON7DQ 24 0 0 24 47
6 OK2BMA 22 0 0 22 42
7 PA3EEG 21 0 0 21 41
8 DJ3TU 19 0 0 19 38
9 PA0RBA 14 3 0 17 31
10 DJ9BM 13 0 0 13 25
11 PA0SIM 11 0 0 11 21
12 OK1DZ 10 0 0 10 19
13 LB8VA 5 0 0 5 11
14 PA3HEB 3 0 0 3 6


Callsign 80m 40m 20m Total Score
1 PF5X 35 4 0 39 75
2 PA7F 30 3 0 33 64
3 S51Z 29 0 0 29 57
4 OE8TIR 28 0 0 28 54
5 DF4WX 25 0 0 25 50
6 PA0CMU 25 0 0 25 48
7 SC6O 23 0 0 23 47
8 OK1WSL 19 1 0 20 40
9 PA3GPX 17 3 0 20 39
10 LB2WD 20 0 0 20 39
11 PA3DSB 19 1 0 20 39
12 SO5CW 19 0 0 19 39
13 DL4FDM 19 0 0 19 38
14 SP7OGP 19 0 0 19 38
15 I5ECW 20 0 0 20 38
16 PC4E 19 0 0 19 37
17 EA6/GM3ZDH 11 6 0 17 33
18 M0MPM 13 0 0 13 27
19 PA0M 11 0 0 11 21
20 HB9EWO 8 0 0 8 17
21 UA6AX 5 0 0 5 9
22 IU3BRO 4 0 0 4 7
23 WA3AAN 0 0 4 4 4


FT990 100 Watt, FD4, HB9RE-paddle
HNY and tnx for the fb Party!
PS. I was vy happy when PI4NTC called me 🙂


Matige condities. 40m leverde maar 4 QSOs op, de rest dus
allemaal op 80m. Op het laatst zakten ook de signalen op 80m
helemaal weg. Hopelijk wordt het de komende maanden met langer
wordende dagen weer iets beter.

de PF5X

Using IC-7300, 100W, random endfd with autotuner. Key : Plastic
Comb Cootie. Conditions on 40m were very bad, all QSO's were
made on 80m. Still great fun as always ! Luc - ON7DQ

de ON7DQ

Absolut nothing on 40/20 tonight....and strong QRN from
neighbours heating system... thanks everybody for the 1st party
of the year - HNY and let's have fun with morse code and brain
decoding 😉 73 Stefan OE8TIR / DJ7AO


Bad start of the 2025 NTC QP, my Elecraft K2 failed on 30/40m for
unknown reason. So I had to switch to the old, long time not used
Drake TR7A. Noisy band on 80m (40m was unusable) with weak sigs
and a lot of local qrm. Anyway, 25 qso's in the log, good for 48
points. Thanks all and hear you end of the month in the
Anniversary Party.

de pa0cmu

HNY to all participants. The first NTC-QP was fun as always.
Lost some time calling on 40m, but 80m was really good.
Rig: Remote-SDR-TRX, 200 W, dipole 10m above gnd.

de DF4WX

Straght key


My keyer was electronic kyer


Key: Vibroplex Original 2021


80 meters was very good tonight with lots of activity
TenTec ORION, 200W and 2x20m doublet antenna at 12 meters
KEY: Begali Intrepid BUG


Thanks for a nice party, condx on 7 MHz were poor, so I used only 80 m.
I participate in the Straight key category, I have used the Junker key.
My rig Yaesu FT 102, 100 W output, antenna Lw 40 mtrs. 73, tot werkens, Pavel, OK2BMA


TS-590SG 100 W, Doublet-Ant.
Vibroplex Bug Standard frm 2010


K3, 1W out
ANT LW 34m , Z Match
Home Made Straight Key
My first call is OK1DZD and second call is OK1DZ

de OK1DZ

BUG Vibroplex Blue Racer
ANT. Magloop, home brew

de DJ3TU